It's quite a strange beast with hallucinogenic visuals, horror elements and history thrown in for good measure, on top of some slightly modernized techniques.

This is a very gritty and gory film - more so than I ever expected. Robbie Coltrane, as one of the police officers involved in the case, has a lot of fun with his character and is fun to watch, and similarly as convincing as the scenery. The film is an odd hybrid of genres because it maintains the look and feel of a slasher film whilst presenting historical elements and painstaking recreations of actual murders. 1880s London is brought to life and Whitechapel has never looked more realistic. That said, the set design on this production is magnificent. The Hughes Brothers did not choose Graham for her acting abilities. Although her accent seems to improve throughout the film at various intervals, for most of "From Hell's" duration her British voice is quite stiff and the American twang is audible. Unfortunately, Heather Graham - as the prostitute Mary Kelley - is not as fortunate. The lead performance by Johnny Depp as Inspector Abberline (who really existed in 1888 at the time of the murders and really was an authority on the case) is wonderful. "From Hell" is an interesting spin on the familiar Jack the Ripper tale, using the iconic cultural image of the cloaked man with the top hat as the source for a spin-off not of history, but of a graphic novel. Reviewed by MovieAddict2016 6 / 10 Interesting spin on the tale, if not particularly memorable Will they be able to survive the avenging force that has been sent after them from Hell? Whoever is responsible for the grisly acts is not going to give up his secret without a fight. But as he gets closer to the truth, Whitechapel becomes more and more dangerous for Abberline, Mary, and the other girls.

Abberline becomes deeply involved with the case, which takes on personal meaning to him when he and Mary begin to fall in love. Sinister even by Whitechapel standards, the murder grabs the attention of Inspector Fred Abberline, a brilliant yet troubled man whose police work is often aided by his psychic abilities. The kidnapping is soon followed by the gruesome murder of another woman, Polly, and it becomes apparent that they are being hunted down, one by one. Yet things somehow do when their friend Ann is kidnapped and they are drawn into a conspiracy with links higher up than they could possibly imagine. Harassed by gangs and forced to walk the streets for a living, Mary Kelly and her small group of companions trudge on through this daily misery, their only consolation being that things can't get any worse. It is 1888 in London, and the unfortunate poor lead horrifying lives in the city's deadliest slum, Whitechapel.